About Jessica and Real Web Freedom



Welcome to Real Web Freedom. If you want to find a no scam, no spam, no MLM way to be independent and start a career from home, please check out my story. I tried a ton of programs and all of them disappointed me until I found something unique that provided an amazing opportunity. I have created 3 websites so far and all of the are based on my own interests. I don’t have to sell something random and I am not involved in MLM. There is no pyramid scheme and I don’t even have to ‘sell’ anything at all unless I want to. I can write about topics that I find interesting and make money sharing information with others.

I have seen people from every walk of life do this successfully. You don’t have to be a great writer and you don’t have to have any special knowledge. You just have to be willing to learn the steps. This is not ‘get rich quick’. You will not make a ton of money fast. This is a real business. It is like a brick and mortar shop run by a real person buy you don’t have the crushing start up costs. The amazing advantage here is that you can start for a tiny fee (unlike a storefront with rent and utilities, equipment and staff) and you won’t get trapped at a dead end where you need to pay more to get access to the rest of the program like most online scams. The program I found lets you have the best of both worlds. First, you get the pride and thrill of starting your own business where you are the boss. You also have the opportunity to dive right in without spending years looking for a loan and worrying about paying the bills. You are not risking your life savings either.

Start Your Business Here green button

My Story-How I Found My Path to Freedom

I grew up in a very gorgeous, wild and remote part of Alaska. It was in the middle of the largest National Park in the United States. I was lucky to have a lake on our property with nesting trumpeter swans, hawks, owls, eagles, hummingbirds and every other songbird you can imagine. We had a towering mountain so close you could see the white dots as Dall Sheep grazed across the meadows. You didn’t even need binoculars to see them. It was an amazing place and I miss it everyday. Life was not easy but it was free and there was open space in every direction.

Jessica in Alaska
Join Me in Living a Rural Dream!

Eventually I became an adult and felt stuck as a city dweller with a ‘regular’ job. It is a good job but I feel trapped and dream of moving back to the wild rivers and mountains. How does one do that however? How can you afford to live somewhere that has no jobs? My search for a remote income stream led me on a long search for online freedom. I needed to find a way to build a real business online.

I tried MLM and hated it. I tried programs on real estate flipping. My husband and I now own real estate (rentals) but we never got into the flipping thing. I tried Fiverr and online “jobs”. I tried to write blogs on a public site. I tried to start my own websites on Go Daddy and Yahoo. None of these gave me what I was hoping for. None of them were actually profitable. They took time and money and gave me nothing in return.

I Just Happened to See It Again

I saw an ad for WealthyAffiliate one night as I was looking online for something. I stopped and looked at it and wanted to try it but thought it was probably too good to be true. I recall seeing the picture of Kyle and his family and thinking they looked like real people. I read reviews and saw that this place was very well respected. A year or so later I stumbled on Wealthy Affiliate again. I remembered it was the same place I had checked out before and thought I should look into some more.

The short story is that I signed up for the free trial and have never looked back since. That was over 3 years ago and I just wish I found it sooner. I truly love this place. It has given me countless opportunities to build my own websites and start businesses based on MY INTERESTS, not some random MLM product. It teaches how to attract people searching for what I offer as well so I don’t have to sell to friends and family or to random strangers. I love the fact I am learning skills that allow me to start a business in any topic. I can start 10 websites if I want. The hosting, security and IT support for all of them would be included in the same price too! I could quit my job and do this full time. I am not quite to that point yet but I know many people who have done this and I am following in their footsteps.

I also love the great, supportive community of members. I cannot express how much I appreciate my fellow members and friends from all over the world that I have met at Wealthy Affiliate. These people share a common goal and they are always available to cheer us on and answer questions, leave comments on our websites and help us along the way.

I truly love this place and don’t ever plan to leave.

You Can Start Your Own Business Today-How It Works

If you would like to learn how to write about your interests, get organic search traffic to your site and build a business, you are just a few quick steps away. In just a few hours you could have your own website up and running. Of course it will take time to add content and get business, but imagine having your own business started today! No loans, no crushing debt. No retail space to lease, no utilities to pay or merchandise to purchase, store, sell and ship. Everything is online. You don’t buy or hold or ship.

People find your site where you review products you like and offer solutions to their problems. If they click on a link to that product and purchase it, you get a commission automatically. The store processes their payment (and your commission), the store ships the product out to them. If there is a return, the store handles that too. You simply bring people to your page and the rest is automatic. You are taught exactly how to get online traffic without “selling” either. The key is using great keywords so people type in a search and find your content. There is a tool for finding these keywords included in your membership.

If you want to build a business that will last a lifetime, that you will be proud to call your own for a tiny fee that you can truly afford, you have found your opportunity.

 What You Will Get From A Membership

You can actually try out this amazing platform for free. There is no credit card required. No bill will show up in the mail. You don’t have to pay and they jump through hoops to get a refund. You can actually look around for free. Really. It is hard to imagine but there is no time limit either. You can stay a free member for as long as you like and pay nothing.

I recommend you become a Premium member however because you get everything you need for one price and you are truly ready to start your business. The only other cost you will have is the cost to register your domain name if you choose. That means the cost of buying a .com which is only about $13 per year through the platform. There are free domains you can use however so buying a domain is not required.

With a Premium membership you will have hosting for your websites included. You will have built in security (none of my sites have ever been hacked, the security is great), you will have 24/7 IT support too. These guys are amazing! You don’t have to pay extra, wait for business hours or wait in line to get help. If I have a problem which is rare, they usually fix it in about 2 minutes. I literally mean 2 minutes, this is not an exaggeration.

You will also have access to all the training Wealthy Affiliate has to offer. I have barely scratched the surface of this training and new content is added continually. There is step by step training showing you what to click and what to do to get your site set up. You don’t need to know any computer coding. Everything is easy. It will take time to get through more advanced stuff but you can have a site up and running today.

You will have access to writing platforms, comment platforms, feedback, an online chatroom available 24/7. Of course everything is available 24/7. You can do the lessons night or day, weekday or weekend it does not matter. There are live courses but they are recorded so you can watch them anytime. There is a great keyword tool to help you find keywords that will lead searchers to your site.

Get Honest Results, No Spam and Nothing Shady.

Everything taught here is “white hat”. It is approved by Google and the other search engines. This is not shady, spammy or unethical. This is the correct way to use SEO (search engine optimization) to get your content ranked on the first page of the search results. Using what is taught here, I have had dozens of first page search results and many are currently in the #1 spot on Google, Yahoo and Bing. I started with zero web experience. If I can do this you can do this.

If You Have Any Questions Let Me Know. Leave A Comment.

If you are curious about this place I love so much and the opportunities it can bring you, please check it out by clicking here.

I hope to see you,


Real Web Freedom makes use of affiliate relationships with merchants such as Wealthyaffiliate.com for monetization. This means when you click on links on this site and make a purchase, this can result in a commission that is credited to this site. This does not affect purchase price and you will not pay a penny more.

Jessica with a purple dahlia flower
Join Me With An Online Business!


2 thoughts on “About Jessica and Real Web Freedom

  • HI Jessica
    I’m like you, I want a location independent income that I am in control of, rather than a location dependent income over which I have very little control of and, as you know I am part of the WA community. I’m from NewZealand, which is probably as wild as Alaska in some parts but the reason I want to be able to travel back is to spend time with my grandchildren and my mother who is becoming very frail.
    I joined WA a few years ago and left in order to get a mortgage. Banks don’t think too kindly about online entrepreneurs. I have the mortgage and the house now but I’m still determined to build an online business and I’ve set a goal of not renewing my contract when it comes up for renewal in July and using my tax return to give me a few months away from external work in order to really launch my business to a new level.
    So that’s my story, I hope we can keep connecting and encouraging each other 🙂

    • Hi Deb,

      I have always wanted to visit New Zealand. My husband does too. I would love to even move there except for your very strict policies about cats coming in. We have 4 cats so it probably would not work. I love Alaska but the extremes are a bit harsh. It was so hot this summer (over 90F) which I just can’t deal with. The good thing is Alaska is so large there are areas that have more moderate climates. I imagine we will be able to move back to a more open space sometime in the future and my websites will help sustain us away from regular jobs.

      I hope you are able to be successful and get away to see your grandchildren and mother.


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