Start A Web Business From Home During Monkeypox or Any Other Outbreak

Start a Web Business From Home During Monkeypox Or Any Other Outbreak Are you fed up with epidemics, testing and the choice of missing work or getting infected by co-workers? Would you like to be your own boss and spend your time working from home on your own terms? I can show you how to […]

The Best Way to Build a Website For A Small Business

The Best Way to Build A Website For A Small Business Most businesses nowadays need a website. Whether you have a restaurant, a landscaping company or a salon, you benefit from a professional looking website so your customers can find you and see what you stand for. It feels daunting to set one up on […]

Google Search Traffic Down 2021

Google Search Traffic Down 2021 The Google December 2020 Core Update Have you noticed a downturn in Google search traffic lately? My traffic from Google totally disappeared for several days in January 2021. Google has just completed their December 2020 Core Update. These large (“core”) updates to Google’s algorithm occur several times per year. The […]

How To Start A Blog Business At Home

How To Start a Blog Business At Home Do you want to start a blog business at home? You might like the idea but be intimidated by the details like web hosting, web design or coding. Good news. You don’t have to know much about any of those to start your own business. You can […]

Work At Home During The Coronavirus and Beyond

Work At Home During the Coronavirus and Beyond There are new outbreaks of mutant influenza strains and other viruses every few years. Right now the COVID-19 coronavirus is spreading around the globe. What if you could start a real business from home and no longer needed to go to work? This sounds like a dream […]

What is the 2019 Google BERT Update and What Does it Mean for Bloggers?

What is the 2019 Google BERT Update and What Does it Mean for Bloggers? On October 24, 2019, Google announced a new core algorithm update called BERT. BERT stands for “Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers”. BERT is the latest update in Google’s attempt to create a smarter search engine that recognizes nuances in speech and […]